Will Gold
with Photos from travels

Richard Mortel

Will Gold (William Goldstein) is the Coordinator of the New Invisible College. Will has been, among other things, a construction worker, carpenter, moving man, machine operator, oil field roustabout, and business owner. In more recent years, he has also been a college history instructor, nightclub theater producer/director, and attorney. He has a B.A. in History from Oberlin College, an M.A. and PH.D (ABD) in U.S. and European History from the University of California, and J.D. in Law from Stanford. Will has been a student of the “Western” and “Eastern” mystical and esoteric traditions for over twenty years and been fortunate to visit many “places of power”, sacred sites, and spectacular natural locations in North America, Europe, and Central America. For many years he has also been, and continues to be, a practitioner in the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism and Mevlevi Order.

K. Holloway

K. Holloway

K. Holloway

K. Holloway

K. Holloway

Will Gold

K. Holloway

K. Holloway

K. Holloway

K. Holloway

K. Holloway
